From this page you can download the latest versions of the Sypex Geo API and databases for them.
Sypex Geo API
File | Version | Size | Release date | Downloads |
Sypex Geo for PHP 5.2+ | 2.2.3 | 5.47 KB | 2014.06.20 | 41 903 |
Script for updating databases (Cron) | 1.0.0 | 1.74 KB | 2016.08.03 | 9 194 |
Databases for Sypex Geo 2.2
File | Encoding | Size | Release date | Downloads |
Sypex Geo Country | - | 517 KB | 2024.12.30 | 200 205 |
Sypex Geo City | CP1251 | 21.1 MB | 2024.12.30 | 19 025 |
Sypex Geo City | UTF-8 | 21.1 MB | 2024.12.30 | 889 742 |
Directories for Sypex Geo 2.2
File | Encoding | Size | Release date | Downloads |
Sypex Geo Info | UTF-8 | 1.84 MB | 2019.12.30 | 47 467 |
Directories contain information about cities, regions and countries that are found in the Sypex Geo City and Sypex Geo Max databases. The data is in TSV format (Tab Separated Values) and also includes an SQL file for importing data into MySQL.
Third-party implementations of Sypex Geo API
Link | Author | PL | Notes |
SypexGeo for Laravel 5 | scriptixru | PHP | Extension for Laravel 5, works with both local databases and the REST API service. |
SypexGeo for Yii2 | marciocamello | PHP | Extension for Yii2 |
pysyge | idlesign | Python 2.7+, 3.2+ | Only SxGeoCity and SxGeoMax in UTF-8 encoding are supported |
python-sxgeo | surpr1ze | Python 2.7+ | Only SxGeoMax is supported |
sypex_geo | kolesnikovde | Ruby | |
Java API for Sypex Geo Web Service | sypexgeo | JAVA | Supported by Sypex Geo REST API |
Third party products using Sypex Geo
Description of database types
All databases are presented in the Sypex Geo 2.2 format.
- Sypex Geo Country - the database contains only country IDs and their ISO 3166-1 codes.
- Sypex Geo City - the database contains information about the city, region and country. Information is in two languages (Russian and English), databases are available in UTF-8 and CP1251 (Windows-1251) encoding.
- Sypex Geo Max - the database contains all the Sypex Geo City information plus time zones, regional coordinates, and OKATO codes for Russia, KOATUU for Ukraine and SOATO for Belarus.
Information about the differences between the versions of the Sypex Geo and Sypex Geo REST API databases can be found on the page Editions.
Do you want to convert your own database to the Sypex Geo format?
Please contact us using contacts. We will have a sample data. After which we will provide a PHP script for converting the database from MySQL into the Sypex Geo format. In the future, after familiarizing yourself with typical requests, we will try to create a universal converter.
The Sypex Geo format allows you to store arbitrary ranges of IP addresses and up to 3 directories (by default, these are directories - cities, regions and countries). But instead of them there may be any other data; in the same way, directories may not be used, and only the object ID will be issued.